Why do people with the same birth time and place have different destinies? If destinies are different, is it still necessary to predict them?

The issue of controversy in the study of Chinese traditional fortune-telling, also known as “Bazi” or “Four Pillars of Destiny,” is why people with the same birth time and identical “Bazi” can have different destinies. This question has been a subject of skepticism and criticism throughout the history of “Bazi” fortune-telling.

Many people often claim that the differing destinies of twins prove the inaccuracy of fortune-telling, or that it is fundamentally a very absurd theory. Have you ever seen real-life examples where the destinies of twins are significantly different? In reality, although the achievements of twins may vary, their life trajectories are generally quite similar, and there are hardly any examples of significant differences in destiny. On the contrary, there are frequent reports of twins having similar marriage partners, similar life experiences, and even cases of passing away on the same day. Such examples are widely available on the internet, and their life experiences, when viewed from the perspective of “Bazi” fortune-telling, are not at all surprising.

Will the destinies of people with identical “Bazi” be completely the same? Not necessarily. However, this is not a question of the accuracy of fortune-telling, but rather a matter of the interaction of heavenly timing, earthly harmony, and human influence.

Heavenly timing refers to the time of birth. Nowadays, some masters commonly attribute the differing destinies of people with identical “Bazi” to earthly harmony and human influence, which encompass the geographical environment at the time of birth and the different people one comes into contact with. Rarely do people discuss the differences in heavenly timing, with some arguing that since the birth time is fixed and the “Bazi” are identical, how could there be any differences?

Before explaining this issue, two scenarios must be considered. First, even if twins are born within a minute of each other, there can still be significant differences in destiny if they are a male-female pair. This is because the “da Yun” (a 10-year cycle in the “Bazi” chart) for male and female charts is opposite. Therefore, despite having identical “Bazi,” their “da Yun” cycles are different, resulting in divergent destinies.

Second, a two-hour time span constitutes one “Shi Chen” (two-hour period in the Chinese traditional time system). For same-gender twins, if one is born in the last few minutes of a “Shi Chen” (e.g., 6:55), and the other is born in the first few minutes of the next “Shi Chen” (e.g., 7:05), even though they are twins, their “Shi Chen” is different, leading to divergent destinies. This situation can be explained clearly.

The question to be addressed here is why there are differences in the destinies of same-gender twins born on the same year, month, day, and “Shi Chen,” with the same parents and in the same birthplace.

For example, there are twins both born during the “Mao Shi” (5:00-7:00). The younger brother works as a financial manager in a state-owned enterprise, while the older brother works as a vice president in a foreign enterprise. Although both hold leadership positions in their respective companies, the older brother’s annual salary is higher than the younger brother’s. Why is this the case? Firstly, their differences are not particularly significant, considering that they both hold leadership positions in their respective companies and enjoy a certain level of treatment and authority. The older brother was born at 5:50, while the younger brother was born after 6:00, both within the “Mao Shi” time frame. However, a two-hour time span does not immediately cause the transition of the Five Elements’ energies from the previous “Shi Chen” to the next. The flow of energies gradually changes within a “Shi Chen,” and the specific classification of the Five Elements within this time period, whether auspicious or inauspicious for the “Bazi,” is an important factor influencing the differing destinies of same-gender twins.

“Earthly harmony” refers to the era and geographical location of birth, the surrounding environment, and weather conditions at the time of birth, all of which directly influence a person’s destiny.

Although the “Bazi” may be the same, the era, national fortunes, social environments, and manifestations of personal achievements differ from ancient times to modern times. For example, in ancient China, having wealth but no official position meant having no social status and being subject to various restrictions. In modern society, wealthy individuals may enjoy more freedom compared to government officials.

The differences in “earthly harmony” also include the influence of geographical location, natural phenomena, and weather conditions at the time of birth. For instance, a “Bazi” unfavorable to the Fire Element born in the northern region may receive a relatively harmonizing effect due to the presence of the Water Element, as the northern region is associated with the Water Element, while the same “Bazi” born in the southern region may face more challenges due to the prevalence of the Fire Element, as the southern region is associated with the Fire Element.

The natural environment, weather, and natural conditions at the time of birth also play a role. The moment a child is born, the differences in location, orientation of the delivery room, and the surrounding environment’s temperature and humidity will inevitably result in slight variations in the reception of the energies of the Five Elements. Even for individuals with identical “Bazi,” being born in different hospitals or delivery rooms can still lead to certain differences in destiny.

Similarly, the impact of weather and nature follows the same principle. For example, if a “Bazi” favors the Water Element and the birth occurs on a rainy day, the individual receives the supportive force of nature. On the other hand, being born on a scorching sunny day is unfavorable. If a “Bazi” favors the Fire Element, being born on a sunny day is beneficial, while encountering sandstorms or haze on the day of birth is unfavorable.

“Human influence” mainly refers to the impact of close relatives on one’s career, Feng Shui, and name.

The strength of the Yin and Yang Five Elements’ magnetic fields between individuals, such as parents and spouses, can either complement or hinder each other. When the energies of the Five Elements interact harmoniously, people can elevate each other’s fortunes by being in close proximity. Conversely, when the energies of the Yin and Yang Five Elements repel each other, frequent contact with close relatives can diminish one’s achievements. The different destinies of same-gender twins are most significantly influenced by the differences in their spouses.

Occupation is another reason why individuals with identical “Bazi” may have different levels of achievement. For instance, someone with a “Bazi” favoring the Water Element and disfavoring the Fire Element would excel in careers related to water management, aquatic products, and other fields associated with the Water Element. Engaging in such a profession would enhance the effects of the Five Elements and, to a certain extent, elevate one’s achievements, in line with the natural order. Conversely, someone with a “Bazi” disfavoring the Fire Element who works in fields related to electricity, forging, and other areas associated with the Fire Element would experience a decrease in achievements due to the effects of the Five Elements, contrary to the natural order.

How can one maximize the potential of their “Bazi”? It is essential to fully understand the Yin and Yang Five Elements and how they can support and empower one’s “Bazi.”

Names and Feng Shui also play a role. The quality of one’s name, how frequently it is used, and how others address the person are crucial factors that affect the operation of the Yin and Yang Five Elements’ magnetic fields.

The wealth left by ancestors and parents, as well as the qualities and abilities of parents and spouses, directly influence the level of achievement indicated by one’s “Bazi.” Feng Shui also affects the level of achievement indicated by one’s “Bazi.” For example, good Feng Shui in one’s residence leads to abundant wealth and prosperity for the family.

This discussion has explored the reasons for the differences in destinies of individuals with the same birth time and identical “Bazi,” and there may be other factors at play. Further exploration and discussion are welcome.