The nature of the Wood element is represented by flexibility (bending, stretching). In the realm of business, Wood symbolizes one’s vitality, energy, spirit, drive, as well as potential for growth and advancement. Wood governs growth and embodies the vitality of life.

Individuals with a strong Wood element or those whose favorable element is Wood often exhibit great drive, vitality, strong expressive abilities. Especially in combinations with Fire, individuals with strong Wood elements show exceptional drive and decisiveness in their actions, never procrastinating.

Conversely, individuals lacking Wood in their Eight Characters or whose favorable element is Wood may severely lack motivation, making it challenging to stand out in the business world.

Career Paths Suitable for the Wood Element: For individuals favoring or having Wood as their favorable element in their Eight Characters, ideal career paths include industries related to wood, plants, such as textiles, paper manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, publishing, packaging, and printing.

These industries represent the surface manifestation of the Wood element. When extended further, they can be broadly categorized into two main types:

Cultural and Educational Fields: such as literature, artistic writing, education, training, publishing, etc. Wood governs culture and education, making these fields highly suitable.

Public Administration: encompassing various resource management roles, civil service positions, state-owned enterprises, etc., as Wood embodies tradition and flexibility.

Analyzing the Character and Career of the Wood Element based on Strengths and Weaknesses in the Eight Characters:

Balanced Wood Element: Individuals with a balanced Wood element in their Eight Characters, especially when there is usable Qi present, tend to be decisive, stable, kind-hearted, straightforward yet noble. They uphold high moral standards, exhibit dignified behavior, possess a charitable heart, and are spiritually refined. They are suited for roles in management, civil service, legal affairs, charity organizations, education, healthcare, etc.

Strong Wood Element: Individuals with a strong Wood element in their Eight Characters, especially if it’s unfavorable, may display aggressive and stubborn traits. They can be rigid and unyielding in character, overly confident to the point of obstinacy, making it difficult to get along with others. They are prone to emotional instability and strong feelings of jealousy.

Weak Wood Element: Individuals with a weak Wood element in their Eight Characters, especially if it’s the element used in their destiny chart, may lack firm self-control. They can be indecisive and easily influenced by external forces, going with the flow without a clear plan of action. They tend to be disorganized and lack strong execution skills.

Combination of Wood and Fire Elements: If both the Wood and Fire elements are used in one’s destiny chart, the individual tends to be generous in nature, intelligent, with lofty ideals and a peaceful disposition. They are likely to gain high reputation and achievements in society and possess natural talent for literary creation. However, if the combination of Wood and Fire is not harmonious or if the Wood and Fire elements are strong while the Day Master is weak, the individual may have some talent but could lean towards being superficial. They may enjoy embellishing appearances, indulging in self-admiration, being sensitive and vain.

Methods to Enhance the Wood Element:

Incorporate wooden items into your living space to boost the Wood energy. Consider adding green plants or using wooden furniture, especially a wooden bed rather than a metal one.

Place green plants or small bonsai trees on your washbasin to achieve a balance of energies between Water-Wood or Wood-Fire.

Use a Wood-boosting Wen Chang Pagoda according to your own destiny chart and house layout to enhance your energy and luck.

Wear accessories based on your destiny chart such as Lei Feng Heng or Feng Lei Yi jewelry pieces or hang them in suitable locations at home or office.

Choose locations for your office or study room in the east or southeast directions as they correspond to the Wood element which brings Wood energy from the east.