Why can Bazi predict fate? What is the basis for it?
The core of Bazi destiny analysis — the Stem-Branch calendar

Heavenly Stems: Jia, Yi, Bing, Ding, Wu, Ji, Geng, Xin, Ren, Gui.

Earthly Branches: Zi, Chou, Yin, Mao, Chen, Si, Wu, Wei, Shen, You, Xu, Hai.

Each heavenly stem and each earthly branch has its astronomical significance, and this astronomical significance significantly affects everything on Earth.

Which celestial bodies have the greatest influence on Earth?

First of all, of course, it’s the star, the Sun, the center of the solar system, and the largest mass in the solar system, providing the vast majority of the energy for the Earth. Although it is relatively far from the Earth, the Sun’s gravity has a significant impact on the Earth.

Next is the Moon, which revolves around the Earth once a month. Although the Moon is slightly smaller in mass than the Earth, the difference is not particularly large, and it is closest to the Earth among all celestial bodies. The closer it is, the greater its gravitational influence. The gravitational influence of the Moon on the Earth is even greater than that of the Sun. Because the Moon is close, its gravitational influence on the Earth is actually greater. The main factor affecting tides is the Moon, followed by the Sun. This also explains the significant gravitational force of the Moon on the Earth.

Next, Jupiter also has a relatively significant influence on the Earth.

In ancient China, the “Year Star” mentioned in ancient times, what Chinese people commonly refer to as the “Tai Sui,” originally referred to Jupiter. Jupiter is the largest of all planets, relatively close to the Earth compared to Uranus, Neptune, and others. It is the largest of all planets, ranking third in gravitational influence on the Earth within the entire solar system. The Moon has the greatest influence, followed by the Sun, and then Jupiter.

Jupiter takes about 11.8 years to orbit the Sun, approximately twelve years. This is why the Chinese Stem-Branch calendar uses a twelve-year cycle to record years and months.

The Earth orbits the Sun once a year, and when observing Jupiter from the Earth, it moves a certain degree each year, roughly one-twelfth. Jupiter completes one orbit in about twelve years, as observed from Earth, and the area it traverses each year corresponds to the twelve earthly branches. This means that the earthly branch on the year pillar actually represents the position of Jupiter.

What does the heavenly stem on the year pillar represent?

Because Jupiter orbits once every twelve years, and the Earth orbits once a year, there are ten occasions when the Sun and Jupiter appear in the same area. These ten areas where the Sun and Jupiter meet are called the ten heavenly stems. For example, if this year is a “Jia Yin” year, it means that at the beginning of spring, when observing Jupiter and the Sun, the area where they meet is in the “Jia” region, and Jupiter’s position is in the “Yin” region, so this year is a “Jia Yin” year.

What does the month represent?

The month is the Earth’s position relative to the Sun, divided into twelve equal parts, representing the Earth’s position relative to the Sun.

You can imagine dividing the area outside the Sun into twelve regions, with the Earth in one of these regions. For example, if it’s the “Yin” month, the Earth is in the position of the “Yin” month, and so on. This position represents the month pillar.

The combination of the heavenly stem and earthly branch on the day pillar represents the position of the Moon relative to the Earth.

The Moon orbits the Earth once a month, dividing it into 30 equal parts. The Moon’s position corresponds to different heavenly stems and earthly branches.

The hour represents the Earth’s orientation relative to the Sun.

For example, at noon (11-13 o’clock), the Sun is directly overhead relative to your current location, so this time is noon. Therefore, Chinese fortune-telling techniques emphasize the use of true solar time, because true solar time represents the angle between the Earth and the Sun. At noon, the Sun is directly overhead at your location. “Zi” hour is when the direction is directly under your feet or behind you, facing the Sun.

In this way, the four sets of heavenly stems and earthly branches on the year, month, day, and hour pillars are determined. At this time, the Earth’s phase, including its direction and position relative to these major celestial bodies, is determined.

What impact does this position have on the Earth? The tides on Earth are the result of the combined effects of the Sun, Moon, and Jupiter.

Imagine that you have a pot of soup in front of you. If you take three spoons and rotate them at a fixed speed inside the pot, after a while, the soup will form regular ripples. The waves and eddies inside it create a situation of very regular changes.

This is actually an energy fluctuation on Earth.

Why are there tides? It’s because the gravitational force of other celestial bodies acts on the Earth, and this force is manifested through water.

Since this force exists, does it only affect the seas and not the land?

This tidal period actually extends across the globe, and this force is always present, but it is manifested through the ebb and flow of the sea.

Under such a highly regular energy tide, are people born at each time point or at a certain time point not subject to this energy tide? Imagine yourself as a floating creature on the tide in the sea. Are the fates of people born at the same time point generally similar? Because they are on the same tide, their fates are generally similar. Because they are on the same tide, their fates are generally similar.

Of course, generally similar, not absolutely the same. It’s just that under the same energy tide, the subsequent trends are very similar. All our predictions are based on these trends.

This is the basis for why the Four Pillars of Destiny can predict fate. Some people may say, if that’s the case, then aren’t the fates of people born at the same time all the same? There will be a separate article explaining why the fates of people born at the same time are not all the same.

Why do people with the same birth time and place have different destinies? If destinies are different, is it still necessary to predict them?

Why do people with different birth times and places die at the same time (in large-scale, mass events)?